Mother Mary is so honoured everywhere because of Her listening to the Word of God and allowing the Word of God to become the Son of God.

Good morning good people may the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people may the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 12th October 2024.

We reflect on Galatians 3:22-29 and Luke 11:27-28.

Listening to the Word of God sets us free and willing to be open towards the others.  We can never have our faith strengthen and rooted in Christ unless we listen to His life-giving words.

Faith grows and becomes strong as we are accommodating the Word of God and make the Word into action.

We too enjoy a new family, a new circle, a new relationship with God himself through His Beloved Son Jesus, the Word made flesh.

As we are a family of God by the power of the Word of God, so by His Son Jesus, we have become sons and daughters of the same Father.  It is through the faith in Jesus, we have no difficulty in following the Law.

In the first reading, St. Paul teaches us that law is the guide for all those who have faith in Jesus.  As a believer in Christ, we need to put on Christ and try by all means to live the values of the Gospel.

It is our duty reflect and represent Christ and His goodness in all walks of life.  Because we believe in Christ, we must not have any type of boundary that divides, destroys, dissects, and diminishes the dignity of another person.

“All baptised in Christ, you have all clothed yourselves in Christ, and there is no more distinction…, but all of you are one Christ Jesus.” (Gal.3:28).

It is through believing and constant listening to Jesus; we can transcend all boundaries and boarders made to divide.  It is by loving Jesus daily, we become docile to the spirit of God and His guidance.  We become obedient to the Word of God by our every tiny effort of loving one another.

No one can inspire us like Jesus, and no one can forgive and accept us like Jesus.  We all feel forgiven, loved, and inspired by Jesus whenever we encounter Him in the Word and in the Sacraments.

To belong to Jesus, one needs to listen to Him every single moment of their life.  We need to move from hearing the Word of God to listening attentively to allow the Word to have a deep impact in our lives.  Jesus reaches out daily through His Words to be reconciled and to meet God.

It is through the grace of God we can feel and experience the forgiveness Jesus offers through His Words.  We must not hate anyone in the world just because they do not believe and accept Jesus.  No matter what religion, belief, culture, lifestyle they believe, we must accept them as the child of God and offer the due respect to all people.

We do not need to love Christians only just because we are Christians.  We must love everyone just because we are Christians even those who hate us and want us to be annihilated from the society or the country.  Even if they hate us, still they are our brothers and sisters too.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.” (Ps.104:8).

The Gospel gives us a moment of meeting the Mother of Jesus as the model for listening and living the Word of God.  Jesus clarifies that family ties just do not happen only by blood relation but also through the acquaintances with the Word of God.

Honour comes not only by genealogy but by the relationship and love we have for God through His Son.

Mother Mary is so honoured everywhere because of Her listening to the Word of God and allowing the Word of God to become the Son of God.

May we be generous to God in allowing the Word of God to make our lives meaningful and fruitful by being the member of God’s family.

May you have a good day.  God bless you.

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