Lessons of life are learnt in the school of action rather than oration.

Good morning good people, May the Lord bless you with peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

Good morning good people,

May the Lord bless you with peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is on 28th August 2024.

Does our work complement our faith?

We reflect on 2 Thessalonians 3:6-10, 16-18 and Matthew 23:27-32.

We celebrate the memorial of St Augustine, Doctor of the Church, and Patron of theologians.

Human labour is a visible gift of God for personal growth and community welfare.

Lessons of life are learnt in the school of action rather than oration. Words can mesmerize minds but works motivate the most.

The world demands us to work smart, efficiently, and skillfully in super speed. The language of work tunes the strings of life.

In this rush, we push for perfection forgetting persons nearby, preoccupied mostly with something to be completed than reaching out to someone in need, prefer a career over caring, and the list is endless.

St. Paul invites us to work for the Lord and humanity without procrastination and pretensions. When God and the community notice work, we are nourished. Let us not become workaholics forgetting the virtues of being humane. Assessed works are approved and appreciated in the long run. We need to work on our Idle minds that try idealizing procrastination and laziness as interfering in everyone else. Every work is an opportunity to encounter God in relating and regarding the other as equal contributors. The examples of working have more followers always. “Anyone unwilling to work should not eat.” (2 Thes.3:10).

The responsorial Psalm praises, “Blessed are those who revere the Lord.” (Ps.128:1).

The Gospel invites us to be consistent not just conveniently doing things with double standards.

“So, you also on the outside look righteous to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Mt.23:28).

We all need to work for the balance between what we say and do. We all need to aspire to inspire others by working rather than wording, giving rather than receiving, inside rather than outside, and appearances rather than action.

Modernisation of the outside without inside modification does not bring out the best of us.

May our work please God and make lives around us better. Have a lovely day. God bless you.

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