Just like Blessed Mary, we need to share the love of Christ to others

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 31st May 2021.

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 31st May 2021. We celebrate the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We reflect from Zephaniah 3:14:18 and the Gospel from Luke 1:39-56.

When God visits our life and we acknowledge God’s presence in our lives, there is so much of blessings, healings, lifting of sanctions and removing all obstacles from our lives. It is the time of special favour indeed.

There are few things God promises us today from the first reading: God has taken away the judgments against you, turned away your enemies.  There is no need to fear of disaster around us when hands and minds grow weak; God celebrates, appreciates, applauds, abounds our life as a victory.

Mother Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth when she was expecting a child at her advanced age.  The moment Mother Mary heard the news from the angel Gabriel that She needs to be part of the plan of salvation which God wished to offer to humanity by bearing a Son, who belongs to God and humanity, She set out to visit Elizabeth.  “Why has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?” (Lk.1:43).

We all need to set out to visit people indeed.  Even though it is not possible physically, yet we can visit people by our virtual, spiritual, and emotional presence that lifts, heals, and offers hope for the people.  God wants to visit someone through us.  Have we figured out who is that person?

A believer cannot remain idle, fruitless, aimless, purposeless and misfocused.  Just like Blessed Mary, we need to share the love of Christ to others.  Love of God in us is a fire that can ignite the hopeless and fearful human hearts.  Our gesture of love, affection and care are much needed for the other at this time of endless waves of pandemic.  Joy comes to us as we make others feel happy and hopeful.  Desire to help and reach out to others in need is in everyone.  We have an inkling to serve those in need without their asking.

May the feast of Visitation not end today without meeting someone in need.  We all can sing May’s hymn daily by being grateful to God’s visitation in our lives in turn meeting someone in need.

We all have the fragrance of joy from the Holy Spirit and peace from the Lord and so let us meet someone who needs the love of God.  May you have a peaceful day.  God bless you.

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