Greatness comes through obedience to God’s commandments

Good morning good people! May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.  It

Good morning good people!

May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.  It is 26th March 2025.

We reflect on Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 and Matthew 5:17-19.

Pope Francis reminds us, “The commandments are not a limitation to freedom, but an indication for freedom. They teach us how to avoid the slavery of sin and to walk in the path of truth and love.”

The first reading invites us to know, observe, and pass on the Law and commandments of God. God’s wisdom is revealed in His commandments, and our greatness comes through adherence to them. Lasting happiness and peace of mind arise when we take God’s laws seriously, obeying them with our whole heart and being.

God has a purpose in giving us His laws—they are not burdens but guides to a better, more meaningful life. When we personally adhere to God’s commandments, we create a positive space for those around us. Our faithfulness itself becomes a silent yet powerful teaching, influencing others without the need for many words.

Moses encourages all who love the Lord to acquire wisdom and prudence by responding positively and proactively to God’s laws. By doing so, we remind humanity of God’s greatness:

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” (Deut. 4:9)

Young Daniel’s grandfather taught him that God’s law is lived through action. One evening, they helped a struggling farmer while others passed by.  “Why did we help?” Daniel asked.  “Love is action, not just words,” his grandfather said.  Years later, Daniel became a man of kindness, shaped by this lesson.

The Responsorial Psalm acclaims: “O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.” (Ps. 147:12)

The Gospel emphasizes that the spirit of the law must be upheld in all circumstances of life. Just as Moses taught the people, Jesus expects us to make the law applicable and meaningful by loving God and one another. The true fulfillment of the law is seen in our personal and charitable living.

Greatness comes through obedience to God’s commandments: “Whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 5:19)

We cannot worship God in spirit and in truth if we struggle with following His commandments. Disobedience and distorting God’s law gradually lead us away from Him, causing us to live in lies and sin. We all have a moral responsibility to pass on our faith to younger generations.

May the Lord truly bless you to be faithful to Him, guiding others through your example as you navigate daily challenges, temptations, failures, and disappointments.

As James Hudson Taylor once said:  “A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness in little things is a great thing.”

Our faithfulness to God’s commandments is not just about avoiding sin but about actively bringing His love into the world. When we live by God’s law, we silently inspire others, especially the younger generation, to follow in the path of righteousness.

May God bless you and strengthen you in His love. Have a blessed day!

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