Good News spreads where goodness abounds

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 15th June 2021. We

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 15th June 2021.

We reflect from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and the Gospel from Matthew 5:43-48.

Good News spreads where goodness abounds.

Is it possible to be happy and loving our “enemies”?

Two readings attempt to answer the question.  To be contented means to go through the inconveniences for the sake of common good and good of the other brother or sister.  Being a Christian in an invitation to be different than others in giving and loving.  Only in this way, we become happy and having the courage to love those who have difficulty in loving us back.

Some of us have lost jobs, loved ones, salaries slashed, still confined to the places where we are yet our generosity and sacrifices have not reduced.  Most of us have become generous and kind more than ever during this pandemic even amidst our personal struggles and inconveniences.  There are some of us beginning to justify and find an excuse during the pandemic not to extend a helping hand to those who are downtrodden and to our church without support.  Just like those Macedonian believers who were living in abject poverty, yet they were generous like a king is the model we all need to embrace during this most challenging times.

St. Paul encourages the people of Corinth by showing the examples of faith and charity from the people of Macedonia.  “Now as you excel in everything, in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking.” (2 Cor.8:7).

Jesus proposes a model of loving and giving.  Our giving needs to be known to God not to people and to those who cannot repay not to our relatives and friends.  Spontaneity and self-giving to God is the first and foremost generous gesture.  The moment we attract the attention and appreciation of people we have lost the blessing of giving.  Authentic giving brings God closer through Jesus in one another.  Forgiving is the best giving ever happens to a heart that loves God.  The model of perfect love is God, and the flawless sacrifice is that of Christ.  “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mt.5:48).  May the Lord grant us the courage to be different in loving and giving.  God bless you.

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