God is the judge and the court.  God renders justice in God’s wisdom and timing

  It is 30th September 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the


It is 30th September 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church. A saint who put the bible-cantered prayer life and wanted to present the most accurate version of the Bible.  Through his wisdom and scholarship, he was able to have a balance between spirituality and austerity.

The readings are from Job 9:1-16; and the Gospel from Luke 9:57-62.

God is the judge and the court.  God renders justice in God’s wisdom and timing.

It is easy to lose patience with God and we do not see the way God acts.  Even if we complain against God, God alone is going to hear our complains. “Though I am innocent, I cannot answer him I must appeal for mercy to my accuser.” (Job.9:15).   When we feel punished by God, we want to prove our innocence before others.  The suffering and pain of the good people are not going unnoticed by God.  Patience teaches us by time that God is never wrong.  We do not need to comprehend everything in order to be faithful and loving God.  Job teaches us all a lesson to be humble when we do not see a way out during a crisis, pain, and suffering.

The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “Let my prayer come before you, Lord.” (Ps.88:2).

The Gospel reflects the need to respond to the call of Jesus in truthfulness, without any personal strings and sensations attached.  During this pandemic time, Jesus calls each one of us to follow Him in serving the suffering humanity.  Some of us are chocking due to our own struggles in dealing with our issues like that of the men who could not answer the call of Jesus in time Jesus wanted them.  Jesus wants us to follow Him placing all our hope and leaving everything that troubles us leaving our emotional attachments to places, people, and events of life.  “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Lk.9:62).  Let us give Jesus the best we have.  May you have a good day.  God bless you.

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