May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.
It is 23rd October 2021.
We reflect on Romans 8:1-11 and the Gospel of Luke 13:1-9. There is no expiry date for conversion. We are created to live a life of conversion.
We celebrate the memorial of St. John of Capistrano.
God does not treat us according to our sins. In the same way, God does not reward someone for being good. It is God’s goodness and faithfulness in loving, leading, and inspiring us to be the best person we all can be. God’s patience cannot be taken as the approval of our sinful and selfish living. God is immeasurably patient so that we may come back to our normal sense to return to God. God’s patience is not God’s weakness, but it is our strength not to delay and deny doing good.
Evil and sin will never prosper on any level. God’s unchanging love, patience and consistent care bring blessings into our lives all throughout our journey.
God is still patient with us to bear fruit. God wishes to see by all means we need to bear fruit. We must not judge someone because we are not finding the fruits we desire in their life. We need to give time and opportunities in allowing them to bear fruits.
Conversion, coming back to God, changing our life is not given only during the particular liturgical time. It is given to us every day. We need to leave the sinful attachments that sustain our roots but not bear fruits. God gives us more than we all deserve. Not just one more chance to change but a million opportunities to change.
“Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” (Rom. 8:1). Our life oscillates between the life of flesh and of the Spirit. No time we are permanently living in the flesh or the Spirit. “For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still, I find none.” (Lk.13:7). Observing our life helps us to live to the full stature of perfection not by condemning and criticising us daily. Let us spend more time to be creative, energetic, willing, and optimistic in doing good and finding opportunities to do good than to be pessimistic about our living and fallenness.
God is not satisfied with our past glory or future ambitious plans but our grateful living of the present. May we truly bear fruit by pruning even plucking the unwanted growth in our life. May our Beloved Mother Mary intercede for us. God bless you.