Forgiveness is the new evangelization for the world bruised by sinfulness and selfishness

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th August 2023. 

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th August 2023.  We reflect on Joshua 3:7-11, 13-17 and Matthew 18:21 – 19:1.

As Joshua crossed over to the promised land, we all have an unforgiving space to cross over to experience the power of grace.

We witness Joshua taking the lead to march the people towards the Promise Land.  When God walks before us, nothing goes wrong.  God performed a huge miracle for the sake of the people of Israel to have the Promise Land.  It is indeed a dream come true for the people who believed God walked through thick and thin.  River Jordan was held back for the people to pass through.

The crossing of the river Jordan reminds us of the crossing through the Red Sea.  God has the absolute power to go to any extent for our happiness and stability in our lives.

Surely, God can hold back anything for us to pass through to enjoy the space with God. When God is with us, we can cross any barrier and chocking situations in our lives.

The Gospel brings out the importance of forgiveness in our lives.

Forgiveness cannot be reduced to numerals it depends on the quality of the mind and heart.  God forgives us immeasurably.  God does not remember the number of times God has forgiven us. When there is love, there is forgiveness.  God is love.

Forgiveness will be a very difficult pill to swallow when there is a lack of charity.  Forgiveness is the business of the heart not of the body.  In forgiving, we remind the other that there is an ever-forgiving God we believe in.

Forgiveness is the new evangelization for the world bruised by sinfulness and selfishness. The proportion of forgiveness is immeasurable by any human yardstick.  “So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Mt.18:35).  May you have a blessed day.

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