It is 30th June 2015. The readings are from Genesis 19:15-29 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:23-27. The first reading brings out the post destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The people of those cities mesmerised by the culture of pleasures ignoring God and the wellspring of life. We could be punished by God when we […]
It is 28th June 2015. It is the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary time. The readings are from Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; and the Gospel from Mark 5:21-43. The readings invite us to reflect on faith and the necessity of faith in our lives. The first reading proclaims the truth that God […]
It is 27th June 2015. We have the memory of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Cyril of Alexandria. The readings are from Gen 18:1-15 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:5-17. The first reading expresses the deep belief in hospitality in the household of Abraham. Hospitality is a spiritual and a sacred duty of a believer. […]
It is 26th June 2015. The readings are from Gen.17:1, 9-10, 15-22 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:1-4. The first reading explains about God’s Covenant to Abram. El Shaddai means God the Almighty. El Shaddai makes a new promise and contract with Abram. On the part of Abraham, he had to obey God and circumcise […]
It is 25th June 2015. The readings are from Gen.16:1-12, 15-16 and the Gospel from Mt. 7:21-29. The first reading explains the experience of lack of faith in God brings many problems. God wanted Abram and Sarai to trust in God totally. Sarai lacked faith in God and took the situation in her own hand […]