May the Lord give you peace and good health in the Holy Spirit.
It is 13th September 2021.
We celebrate the memorial of St John Chrysostom, bishop, and doctor of the Church.
We reflect on 1 Tim 1:1-8 and the Gospel of Luke 7:1-10.
How often do we remember our rulers and those who are at the helm of affairs in our prayers? At times we are quick to condemn them than to remember them in prayers. Our prayers are a visible sign of support to those who animate, lead and moderate.
It is an urgent appeal from St. Paul that men pray and avoid getting into fights and quarrels to prove their points and stand. “In every place, the men should pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.” (1 Tim. 1:8). The intention of God is to save all people no matter they profess or belong to our fold rather promoting human dignity, respect, equality, and equanimity with all people beyond all barriers and boundaries.
We are provided with an example of an outsider who approaches Jesus for healing on behalf of his servant and Jesus healed that person. By constantly inviting the Lord into our abode, we are being healed. “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. But only speak the word, and let my servant be healed.”
Faith can be displayed in a simple and unpretentious ways. The words of the Roman centurion is recited just before we consume the Most Holy Eucharist in the Supper of the Lord. We have a lot to learn from the Centurion today. His approach is the type of faith we all need today coupled with concern for the servant and participating in the building of the community.
We all love to pray for our needs, wants and wishes to Jesus always. Let us examine today how often we bring before Jesus all who work for us whether they are leaders or servants.
May God bless you to be generous in our prayer life that enhances the life of others.