Being a slave to God is much more a blessing than a burden

It is 21st October 2021. We reflect on Romans 6:19-23 and the Gospel of Luke 12:49-53. As St.

It is 21st October 2021.

We reflect on Romans 6:19-23 and the Gospel of Luke 12:49-53.

As St. Paul continues to explain about freedom from sin and life in God, he reminds us that sin attempts repeatedly to reclaim us.  We are alive and active because of God’s interests not to please our pleasure-seeking mentality.

St. Paul convinces us that we are freed from the slavery of sin and has the power to live a pure life in Christ Jesus.  The wages, gift, or reward of living a life of righteousness is eternal life. We need to be constantly reminded that sins alienate us from God and separate us from each other with selfish choices.

In the Gospel, the proclamation of Jesus is the refining and purifying fire.  The source of conflict in the acceptance and rejection of Jesus is felt even within the family.  Jesus says, “I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing.” (Lk.12:49).

Can Jesus bring division? Yes.  He becomes the talking of division between those who believe and those who refuse to believe in Him.  We all belong to one category of people either we accept Him and live a life that pleases God or rejects Him and live a life that pleases us.  We know where do we belong and what is going on in our personal life? Mere following Jesus can spark division.

There is a fire within each one to know and love God.  Learning is inevitable for sanity and sanctity.  Procrastination in loving God extinguishes the fire right within us.  The values of the Kingdom and the Words of Jesus sets the fire in every heart that is willing to listen.  We each one is passionate about something.  It could be politics, gaming, cheap popularity, our work, our studies.  The paradox between slave and servant, hate and freedom, rebellion and obedience, freedom to do evil and to do good bound to be faced, lived and witnessed by us as believers.

War and division for the cause of righteousness is not sin.  Being a slave to God is much more a blessing than a burden.  It is a spiritual struggle and strength that allows one to mature in loving the unlovable, unteachable, and unforgivable.  This division within ourselves, the unsettled war that is going on is indeed proof that we are spiritually alive.  We all need to be a fighter in dealing with evil, sin, and slavery to selfishness. “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev.3:16).

May the Lord help us keep the fire that purifies our hearts and others.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you. b

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