It is 27th April 2020. The readings are from Acts 6:8-15; and the Gospel from John 6:22-29. When our life and words disturb others, can we remain calm and glowing even amidst hatred, antagonism and accusations? It happened to St. Stephen who proclaimed the message of Christ was accused and condemned by a group of […]
It is 24th April 2020. The readings are from Acts 5:34-42; and the Gospel from John 6:1-15. We wish all our brothers and sisters during the holy month of Ramadan. May their fasting and prayers bring peace, harmony, healing and unity to entire humanity. During this time of connection, reflection and redirection of life to […]
It is 23rd April 2020. The readings are from Acts 5:27-33; and the Gospel from John 3:31-36. Leonard Cohen once said, “There are crakes in everything, and that’s how light gets in.” Unless we become the witness to the Risen Lord, we cannot taste the eternal life. But we live in a world where the […]
It is 22nd April 2020. The readings are from Acts 5:17-26; and the Gospel from John 3:16-21. There is no lockdown for love, truth, hope, peace, freedom, liberation, Good News and connecting yet we can be locked-in by ourselves with our rusted ideas, venomous values, and fake fables. When we work for the Lord, God […]
It is 20th April 2020. The readings are from Acts 4:23-31; and the Gospel from John 3:1-8. Proclamation without the personal encounter and relationship with the Risen bring sufficient conversion. When we have had this significant connection with Jesus, we cannot but talk about it, behave accordingly. Our kerygma is about the person of Jesus. […]