God takes initiatives to remove all our worries and fear. Nothing is stronger than God and therefore, God alone is sufficient to deal with our fear. In the first reading, the Lord told the king Ahaz that his fears were unnecessary, and God could defend him.  “Pay attention, keep calm, have no fear, do […]

  It is 13th July 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Henry. The readings are from Isaiah 1:10-17; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:34-11:1 We begin reading and reflecting from the ministry of Isaiah. Proofs of love pleases the Lord than the path of piety without compassion and mercy to the least members of […]

  15th Sunday of the Ordinary Time.  10.07.2020 It is 12th July 2020.  The readings are from Isaiah 55:10-11; the second reading is from Romans 8:18-23; and the Gospel from Matthew 13:1-23. Dear People of God, Our generous receptivity to the Word of God allows us to be fruitful. We all go through these four-spiritual […]

  It is 11th July 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. Benedict. The readings are from Isaiah 6:1-8 and the Gospel from Matthew 10:24-33. You are called and chosen so no more to fear. “Therefore, do not be afraid of them. (Mt.10:26). In the first reading God is looking for someone to be a […]

  It is 10th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 14:2-10; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:16-23. No one can draw a map for our life except God. Generalized Preconceived Sensations (GPS) cannot guide us through thick and thin. We can all navigate the storms and sufferings of life by the power of the […]

  It is 9th July 2020. We celebrate the memorial of Sts. Augustine Zhao Rong, priest, and Companions, martyrs. The readings are from Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:7-15. We have received more enough to give. Except sin, selfishness, and shame, we need to be prepared enough to share. The first reading […]

  It is 8th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:1-7. God is looking for us tirelessly. Because God wants to entrust a mission to each one of us. Since our life is looking for something other than God, we end up being tired, exhausted, and […]

  It is 7th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:32-38. What we sow so we reap. Our integral health depends on our thinking. Paulo Coelho who authored the book “The Alchemist (1988)” remarked, “Life is like a garden; you reap what you sow.” In the first […]

  It is 6th July 2020. The readings are from Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:18-26. Longing to touch God grows never weary even when we feel broken our promises and faithfulness to God. God relates with us as intimate as possible to make us feel loved, healed and happier. God’s love […]

  It is 5th July 2020. We celebrate the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Zechariah 9:9-10; the second reading is from Romans 8:9, 11-13; and the Gospel from Matthew 11:25-30. The theme of the Sunday Liturgy is God’s peace is the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who believe in […]