Sin encroaches slowly but surely

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 20th October 2021.

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 20th October 2021.

We reflect on Romans 6:12-18 and the Gospel of Luke 12:39-48.

Our vocation depends on serving God, not on sin. The choice is between being a servant or a slave.

Sin encroaches slowly but surely.  Whatever we enjoy in life need not be sinful, but all the sinful thoughts and actions have a certain amount of pleasure and satisfaction involved.  No one becomes an addict overnight.  It takes a while with a conviction that without this I cannot be happy or complete the day.

It is all up to us and our choices in allowing sin to direct and design our life.  Sin could be a momentary act or thought or both together, yet it has lasting negative, depressive, guilt-filled effects for the rest of the life until we acknowledge the forgiving grace of the Lord.  God’s grace does not give us the power to live in sin rather points out our status before God.

Our life is meaningful, blessed and contented when we have become content being servants of righteousness.  “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one of whom much has been entrusted, even more, will be demanded.” (Lk.12:48).  The unexpected moments cannot control and crush us to the live-in sins.  We all are endowed and entrusted with so much.  The realisation of what we have comes by grace, and so we need to be always prepared to the best of our ability to serve God and humanity.

Yes, we are all liberated and set free by the virtue of Baptism.  Yet, we need to be on guard all the time to keep up the status of being a servant than a slave.

May the Lord bless each one of us to be open, generous, and humble to serve and leave our slavery to whatever we have surrendered in our life.  God bless you.

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