The word service is loaded with its rich characteristics we all need to grow daily in our life

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. We celebrate the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

We celebrate the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the year.

It is 17th October 2021.

We reflect on Isaiah 53:10-11; Hebrews 4:14-16; and the Gospel of Mark 10:35-45.

Last Sunday, in St Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Father inaugurated the opening of the Synodal Process for the entire Church, beginning with the parishes, from all sectors of life, organizations, movements to the diocese, the Bishop’s conferences, Regional conferences and climaxing in the 16th Synod of Bishops in Rome in 2023.  The theme is:  For a Synodal Church:  Communion, Participation and Mission.

Pope Francis, in convoking this process, desires that the entire Church journeys together as we reflect on the life and mission of the Church.  In this way, we, the Church can learn from each other to live out the spirit of communion, increase active participation and strengthen commitment. Today’s scripture readings are very appropriate in helping us to acquire the right disposition in this Synodal Process.

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.  – James Baldwin.

The purpose of Christ coming to the world to serve.  “That’s how it is with the son of man: he didn’t come to have servants obey him, but to be a servant – and to give his life as “a ransom for many”. (Mt.20:28).

‘It is written,’ replied Jesus,  “The Lord your God is the one you must worship; he is the only one you must serve.” (Luke 4:8).

Some say: “Service is the rent you pay for your life on earth.”

We all have ambitions in our life.  We love power and position and we go after it by all means.  But the Lord wants to minister to the needs of our neighbour.

The word service is loaded with its rich characteristics we all need to grow daily in our life.

S = sacrifice

E = exemplary

R = resourceful

V = vision

I = initiatives

C = charity

E = exuberant (cheerful & lively)

To be a servant is the call of human life.  Service requires Sacrifice.

We have the power and authority is for service.  We the believers need not lord it over the others but we are invited to serve to the point of sacrificing our life as Jesus did.

One of the Indian mystic Rabindranath Tagore would say about service: “I slept and dreamt that life was all joy; I awoke and saw that life was but service; I served and understood that service was joy.”

I would like to conclude with the quote of St. Theresa of Calcutta, “We have the specific task of giving material and spiritual help to the poorest of the poor, not only the ones in the slums but those who live in any corner of the world as well.  To do this, we make ourselves live the love of God in prayer and in our work, through a life characterized by the simplicity and humility of the gospel.”

The cost of liberation is service.  To come out of any slavery, we need to serve.  Service is like a river wherever it runs, it purifies and provides progress in every level.  And that is why Mother Theresa could boldly say: “The fruit of silence is prayer; The fruit of prayer is faith; The fruit of faith is love; The fruit of love is service; The fruit of service is peace

The greatness comes by serving the other person.  Jesus talks about the authority of service.  The two brothers did not know what they were asking for the power of Jesus when he comes into glory.  Jesus explained to them what happens before the glory.  One has to suffer in order to serve.  “Can you drink the cup that I must drink, or be baptised with the baptism with which I must be baptised?  THERE IS NO SHORTCUT TO GOD’S FAVOUR.

The model for spiritual power is not from the leaders of the world.  “This must not happen among you.” We all love to emulate some of our companies.

The truth is there is much work and service for everyone.  Let us discern what type of service would please God.

Are we in love with power like that of the disciples of Jesus? Or are we willing to serve and sacrifice?

May the Lord be with us to complete our journey towards coexistence today!

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