Faith is not a one-time confession, but it is a continuous testimony of life in the Spirit and Truth

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 16th October 2021. We

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 16th October 2021.

We celebrate the memorials of St. Hedwig, Duchesse of Polonia, Religious and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, an apostle of the Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We reflect on Romans 4:13, 16-18 and the Gospel of Luke 12:9-12.

Faith is not a one-time confession, but it is a continuous testimony of life in the Spirit and Truth.

The quality of faith is in its actions built on the uncompromised belief in the Son of God. faith is tested by God, by the events of life and the stand we take in dealing with our daily temptations of lure and allures of the world and its attractions. By time and walking in the light of faith is not that easy to come by. We all must pay our price of doubts and struggles to hold on even when it does not seem to work at all.

As we have begun the 16th Synodal journey for the entire church starting at our parochial level concentrating on communion, participation, and mission. Synod means road walked together and shared pathway. It indicates walking together and listening to the Holy Spirit and listen to all, especially the laypeople. Listening to the laypeople in these two years from October 2021-2023. With its diocesan consultation – listening phase, continental phase and Universal phase in faith, respect, and love to be open to the grace of God and particularly to the Holy Spirit. Without prayer, adoration, and discernment there is no synod. May we all participate wherever we are, whether in the missions or in parish communities with the challenges we faced during these years of pandemics.

As we struggle and holding on to our faith, we all have some reflections and observations of our life to offer. It is not judgements and criticism but the contribution to inspire others with our faith journey is that we all need. “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what you ought to say.” (Lk.12:12). To bear witness to God we do not need to tear people into pieces and portions. Faith is not an agenda of an institution or a person but it is the encounter with the Risen Lord. By constantly listening to the Spirit of God, we can have a relationship with Jesus that lasts till the end that allows us to have a place in God’s abode. Our faith is strengthening and sharpened by our sincere listening to the Holy Spirit.

May the Lord help each one of us to come closer in prayer to our Beloved Mother Mary who is our intercessor in bringing us closer to the Risen Lord. God bless you.

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