May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.
We reflect from Acts 12:1-11; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18; and the Gospel of Matthew 16:13-19.
It is 29th June 2021. We celebrate the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. Two great pillars of examples of faith. The confession of Peter and proclamation of Paul about Jesus, the Son of God are the foundational layers for the Church we belong. St. Peter, with his struggle in his journey towards the Lord and St. Paul’s sacrifice in reaching out to the Gentiles manured the growing believing community. The authority and leadership were entrusted by the Lord to St. Peter, while St. Paul encountered Jesus in the vision to become the visionary and missionary of all times to come.
There are a few lessons we can have for our lives from these apostles. Both were able to move closer to Jesus without being stuck to their past. They left the past, the former profession, and the ties for the spread of the Good News. “Life to me, of course, is Christ, and death would be a positive gain.” (Phil.2:21). Their witnessing and personal sacrifices we all can imbibe in our own life. To lead other, one needs to impeccable leader to emulate. It is by believing in the identity of Jesus, we identify the image of God in others. The teaching of Peter and preaching of Paul are so different yet so essential for the survival of the Church.
Saints Peter and Paul listened, led, and learn from the Holy Spirit time and time again.
Kephas means rock, the foundation stone for the ekklesia, the community. Paul, the apostle of Gentiles went out of their way to be extremely generous to the Lord and the Word.
May this celebration grant us the courage to be the witnesses, examples to God on all occasions of life. Happy Feast of Peter and Paul to you all. Have a lovely day. God bless you.