When our inside is full of truth, it is hard live a life of lies.  Our character overwhelms our actions

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 8th June 2021.

We reflect from 2 Corinthians 1:18-22; and the Gospel Matthew 5:13-16.

When our inside is full of truth, it is hard live a life of lies.  Our character overwhelms our actions.  In Christ there is no dichotomy between yes and no.

We are people of Amen. So, we need to live a life we believe and profess in the Lord.  Our words are important for our own well-being and the welfare of others.  Greater the responsibility we hold in our life, the impact and influence of our words on others are beyond we can perceive.

St. Paul’s integrity was under threat by the people of Corinth.  St. Paul defended himself by presenting the balance between yes and no in the life of Jesus and in him and his companions.

“You are the salt of the earth. (Mt.5:13). You are the light of the world.” (Mt.14).  This is not a commandment but a gentle reminder to be the person we ought to be since we follow Jesus.

What an honor to be called as the salt and light by Jesus? Does our life at present match the qualities and the power of salt and light? Unless and until we are salted and lighted by Christ, we cannot spread the flavor of love, peace, and joy to people around.

Salt and light add taste, flavor, and light where it is placed and mixed.  In our life, when God offers the opportunity to serve and share the resources we have, we need to remain focused, calm, and humble.  Jewish people believed that losing saltness means unclean.

There is a need to clean our falsehood, hypocrisy, doble-standard or multi-standard life to continue shine in the world and add taste to the humanity around.

May the Lord Jesus who is light enlighten our minds to add taste being salt to people around.  Have a peaceful day.  God bless you.

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