It is 09th February 2015. The Readings are from Gen 1:1-19 and the Gospel from Mk.6:53-56. The first reading teaches us that God created the world. God dispelled the darkness and gave form and filled the earth. God’s Spirit was hovering over and existing even before God put them all in order so that human being inhabit. The active participation of God’s Spirit is seen right from the outset. God separates light and darkness, waters above and below, land and sea. God adorned the world with Sun, Moon, Stars, Birds, Fish and animals. The Responsorial Psalm adds meaning to the readings, “May the Lord rejoice in His words.” (Ps. 101: 31b). The Gospel brings out the power of Jesus. “All those who touched him were cured.” (Mk. 6:56). God touched the world and the world became habitat for the creation including human beings. God is not tired of making this world anew. What we know of creation so far is so little in what is already existing out there. Jesus too not tired of making us anew by healing us, forming us, and filling us with His Spirit. Jesus is not even expecting any gratitude from us. Jesus never stopped doing good. That is exactly the attitude God, God’s Spirit and Jesus expect from each one of us. Let us not be tired of doing good, forming people and filling this humanity with all that is good. Even when there is lack of gratitude, understanding, acceptance, and approval, we need all the more to accelerate our good works. May the Lord bless you and have a blessed day.

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