It is 03rd March 2015. The readings are from Is. 1:10, 16-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 23:1-12. The first reading points out that our conversion and sacrifices must be genuine. There are six acts of mercy are given to be clean and pure during this Lent. They are as follows: Stop sinning, learning to be and to do good, working for justice, helping the oppressed and voiceless, serving the orphans and defending the widow. (Is.1:17). When we have done all the acts of mercy mentioned, God promises a new clean image for us all. The responsorial Psalm reminds us that God is interested in our change of heart, “To the upright I will show the saving power of God.” (Ps.49:23). The Gospel admonishes us that our sacrifices must not be hypocritical, outwardly, and pleasing the others not God. “They perform all their actions to be seen by men.” (Mt. 23:5). Our religion must not become a burden in loving God rather it must be a blessing of our expression through the acts of love and mercy. We are all invited to be holy inwardly not just looking holy. Sometimes, we love our positions more than being loyal to God. Our service to one another brings blessings from God. Lent is the time to sacrifice, serve, and to be sanctified. All our sacrifices and good works must glorify God and making others to remind themselves about God not ourselves. Let us be careful about the duplicity in making ourselves advertised than to elevate God in our good works. May God grant you a blessed day.

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