It is 04th March 2015. The readings are from Jer. 18:18-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 20:17-28. The first reading is the agony of Prophet Jeremiah for taking the side of the truth. The prophet spoke against everyone who was evil. He was so unpopular. People had a choice either to obey him or to silence him. People chose to silence him. How do we react to criticisms in our lives? Do we want God to punish those who criticise us as the prophet did? The responsorial Psalm repeats the cry of the prophet, “Save me, O Lord, in your kindness.” (Ps.31:17b). The Gospel teaches us the power of true leadership lies in its service and sacrifice. Leaders are to be servants and willing to sacrifice for God and God’s people. Leading people will attract lot of criticism and even assassination of character in the life of leaders. Leaders have to offer an example from their personal life and willing to die for the rest. Leaders have to deal with their self-importance, ambition and recognition in their lives. “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant…” (Mt.20:26). Jesus announced third time about his supreme sacrifice on the cross and resurrection, but the followers did not understand. Seeking power and positions with greed and selfishness is very much seen in our churches, and in our working environment. Let us become a servant for the Lord and Lord’s mission. May God bless you and have a good day.

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