It is 16th March 2015. The readings are from Is.65:17-21 and the Gospel from Jn.4:43-54. The first reading promises us that God is interested to create new heavens and a new earth. There is so much of peace, safety and all kinds of blessings available in the Lord. Foreigners are finding a place in God’s house. This description of new heavens and earth is the time of Christ rule devoid of sin and death. The responsorial psalm praises, “I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.” (Ps.29:2). The Gospel presents a section about the return of Jesus in Galilee. It ends with the miracle of royal official’s son. We find a tremendous display of faith in today’s gospel. An official travelled more than 20 miles to meet Jesus and put his request of healing his son. Distance does not matter for healing. It is not only a spatial distance as well as spiritual distance. No matter how far from the presence of Jesus, if there is faith, Jesus can heal us. The official not only believed in the power of Jesus and he passed his faith to his entire family. We need to make an extra effort in meeting Jesus during this Lent. Let us believe that Jesus can solve our problems and sickness. Once we have experienced the power of Jesus, it is our duty to pass on our faith to others even to the entire family we come from. Faith grows in sharing with other. Faith is indeed a gift from God and has to be shared with our neighbours even though they may not belong to the fold of Jesus. There is still a place in the Heart of Jesus for everyone. May God bless you. Have a good day.

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