It is 17th March 2015. The readings are from Ezk.47:1-9,12 and the Gospel Jn 5:1-3a, 5-16. The first reading is the vision of the new Temple where God resides from whom all graces flow like water. This river is associated with the river in the Eden Garden (Gen.2:10) and the river mentioned in Rev.22:1-2. Symbolically, the river is the life and blessings of God. This is the same river flows into the Dead Sea and refreshes it. When life giving force from God flows into ourselves, we become rejuvenated and transform within ourselves. The Responsorial Psalm points out there is joy because of the waters of the river, “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.” (Ps.45:8). The gospel presents a great healing miracle of Jesus. A man lame or paralysed who could not walk for 38 years was healed by Jesus. No one helped him and no one provided him any assistance. His situation was hopeless. No matter how sick physically or spiritually we can be, Jesus wishes to minister to us and restore our health. Let not our sinful condition or a sickness make us to lose hope in God. There is no holiday for Jesus in restoring our conditions. Jesus is as powerful as he is even on a Sabbath day. Let us not be confined to our sickness of the soul and body without asking for help from Jesus. Jesus is asking us the same question during this Lent, “Do you want to get well? (Jn.5:6). Jesus tell us that after receiving the healing, “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” May the give us the courage to approach Jesus for our holistic healing. May God bless you.

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