It is 27th March 2015. The readings are from Jer.20:10-13 and the Gospel from Jn.10:31-42. The first reading is the confession of Jeremiah. He feels so much painful and bitter the way God’s people do not listen to the Word of God. People did not accept the message of the prophet. On the contrary, Jeremiah felt sorrow and persecution. People wanted to get rid of the prophet because of his closeness to the Word of God. We need to share the Word of God at all times no matter what is the result. The responsorial Psalm brings out the prayerful sentiments of the prophet, “In my anguish I called to the Lord and he heard my voice.” (Ps.17:7). The Gospel points out the plot to kill Jesus is thickening. They found fault with His oneness with the Father, the closeness with God and more particularly identifying himself as God. People forgot all the good works of Jesus. After all His good works are the outcome of the oneness and the indwelling between the Father and the Son. People did not recognise this intimate unity between Jesus and the Father. Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 where we read the leaders and judges are called “gods”. Jesus was correcting their misunderstanding regarding blasphemy. People were not ready to accept Jesus as God’s Son even with His good works. In our lives, when our belief in Jesus becomes a life threat, how do we handle it? “The Lord is at my side, a mighty hero; so my persecutors will stumble and they will not prevail.” (Jer. Let us put our trust in the Lord when our life is challenged. May God bless you.