It is 12th April 2015. We celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday. Our Pope Francis rightly proclaimed the “Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy” Holy Year. The year begins on 8th Dec. 2015 with Pope Francis’ opening the Holy Door in the back of the Basilica and the year ends on 20th Nov.2016. The readings are from Acts. 4:32-35; 1Jn.5:1-6 and the Gospel from Jn.20:19-31. The First Reading speaks about the corporal acts of mercy, the early Christians practiced before the persecutions from the Romans. It brings out the Ideal Christian community which practiced God’s love, mercy and sharing with one another. In the Responsorial psalm we repeat several times, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever” (Ps 118). In the second reading, St. John wants us to concentrate not only corporal acts of mercy but also spiritual works of mercy. The commandment of love taught by Jesus is not burdensome to those who love God. The Gospel describes how Jesus entrusted to His Apostles His mission of preaching the “Good News” of God’s love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation. The second part of the Gospel presents St. Thomas, the fearless Apostle in his honesty demanding a personal vision of, and physical contact with, the risen Jesus to believe Him. The Risen Christ greets the disciples three times in today’s gospel with the peace message. “Peace be with you.” (Jn.20:19, 21,26). Our corporal acts of mercy and spiritual works of mercy must help us to meet the Risen Christ in one another and to share the peace of Christ with one another. With mercy and love, we can conquer any hurdles in our human relationships. May God bless you.

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