It is 01st May 2015. This entire month is devoted to Marian Devotion. The Church dedicates this time to recite rosary meditating on the mysteries of our Lord. We celebrate the memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. The readings are from Acts. 13:26-33 and the Gospel from Jn. 14:1-6. The first reading is the sermon of St. Paul to the Jews and God fearing Gentiles. In the first part of his sermon yesterday, Paul spoke about the salvation history while today’s reading he shares his views and beliefs on the Saviour, who is promised to the world. On the third part on his sermon he offers the good news. Good News is Jesus is alive after the brutal crucifixion and death. The responsorial Psalm promises God’s love for us, “You are my Son. It is I who have begotten you this day.” (Ps.2:7). Today’s Gospel presents Jesus the Way to the Father. Jesus wants His followers not to be troubled because of somebody or something. The disciples were troubled because of the betrayal of Judas. We too are troubled because someone in our family, in the Basic Ecclesial Community or in the country we live. We feel lost due to someone or something. Jesus tells us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still and trust in me.” (Jn.14:1). We are all secured in Jesus because He himself is our security. Jesus promises us today, “I am going there to prepare a place for you,” and “I will come back.” (Jn.14:2). We will not be able to reach God without Jesus. Unless and until we walk in His Path, we will not encounter the Father. “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” (Jn14:6). May we spend some time daily praying the Holy Rosary daily for this entire month. May our Beloved Mother Mary Queen of Peace lead us all to Jesus.

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