It is 16th May 2015. The readings are from Acts.18:23-28 and the Gospel from Jn.16:23b-28. The first reading speaks about the third and the last missionary journey. In Ephesus, an Alexandrian Jew, Apollos by name speaking and sharing his views on Jesus and the Way. The learned man was preaching to the Jews and the young Christian who Jesus was. “He preached with great earnestness and was accurate in all the details as he taught about Jesus” (Acts. 18:25). The responsorial Psalm sings, “God is king of all the earth.” (Ps.46:8). The Gospel encourages us to ask God in the name of Jesus for anything. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete.” (Jn. 16:24). Jesus introduces a new relationship with God through Him. We have been directing our prayers to the Father most of the times in the past. Now we are encouraged to pray to God and ask God using God’s beloved son’s name. We are so assured by Jesus himself that we will not be refused anything by the Father when we are ask in the name of Jesus. The prayer in the name of Jesus is always heard and that is why the Church directs all her prayer to Jesus. It is Jesus who helps us to find the will of God in our lives. May we not run around looking for human connections to be connected to God, rather may we be able to connect ourselves to Jesus. May the Lord’s will be done in our lives through Jesus.

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