It is 21st May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 22:30-23:6-11 and the Gospel from Jn. 17:20-26. The first reading speaks about the trial of Paul. He used this opportunity to be the witness for Jesus. Every opposing and challenging situation in our lives must be an opportunity to share our faith and be a witness for the Lord whom we believe. “Keep up your courage! For just as you have testified for me in Jerusalem so you must bear witness also in Rome.” (Acts. 23:11). We are not just merely a follower of Christ but we represent Christ in every moment of our lives. God helped Paul to have an insight into the problem. The Holy Spirit will provide us the right word, the correct judgement and to find a way out amidst the any situation. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Preserve me Lord, I take refuge in you.” (Ps. 15:1). We continue to reflect on the prayer of Jesus in the Gospel. It is the prayer of unity, protection from the evil one and for holiness. Jesus prays for all Christians including you and me and those whom you know. He prayed that we may be one. Jesus wants us not only to pray for unity but also work for unity. “May they all be one.” (Jn. 17:21). Our primary duty is to bear witness to Jesus in a unified powerful way. The unity does not happen without realizing and believing in the unity between the Father and the Son. We need to be united with Christ, the Vine before we try with the others. We must stop gossiping and complaining about others. We need to encourage in our faith, build and work together in holiness and humility. We need to work for Christ and promote Christ and His values in every situation. Living in unity is the best witness we can give for Jesus. May God bless you.

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