It is 27th May 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury. The readings are from Sirach 36:1,4-5a,10-17 and the Gospel from Mk.10:32-45. The first reading invites us to acknowledge God in everything and everywhere. We need to learn the reverential fear for the Lord in all our conducts. This respect is due for the Lord not only inside the mystical body of Christ, the Church but also in our own very selves, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. This reverential fear is the acknowledgement for God. Offering the due respect and praise to God is our spiritual duty in every moment of our lives. “All the earth’s inhabitants may acknowledge that you are the Lord, the everlasting God.” (Sir.36:17). The responsorial Psalm prays, “Have mercy on us Lord, and look on us.” (Sir.36:1). The Gospel talks about the third announcement of His passion and going towards Jerusalem with the disciples. Jesus explained to His disciples that He was Messiah. But John and James along with their mother misunderstood Jesus as the earthly ruler and asking for honoured places in Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus ridiculed them and rejected their request. We can ask anything from God yet God knows what is best for us to give. Greatness in the Kingdom of Jesus is not in holding honourable positions and power but in serving others. “Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all. For the Son of Man himself did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk.10:42-45). Let us begin to acknowledge God and serve others as a believer on a daily basis. May God bless you and have good day.

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