It is 29th May 2015. The readings are from Sir. 44:1,9-13 and the Gospel from Mk. 11:11-25. The first reading encourages us to remember the illustrious people in every occasion. God is honoured and praised when we remember the great human beings and their contributions for the welfare of the common good. They are so to be remembered for their generous involvement in the growth of the humanity. They too have children after their hearts. There are some human beings who outshine the other in their generous giving and they remind God to us always and so we must not forget them. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord takes delight in his people.” (Ps.149:4). In the Gospel we meet Jesus who is looking for fruitfulness in His creation and spirituality we hold. He is cursing of the fig tree and the clearing of the temple. As the fig tree seemed to promise fruits yet it has none and so the temple supposed to be a place of worship yet it engages in business. Jesus curses life without substance. Faith without fruitful works is related to the fig tree. Our faith must be fruitful spiritually and socially. At times, we too look fruitful in appearance yet there is no spiritual substance. Our anger must deal with our unfruitfulness. Our prayers must be directed towards being fruitful. Prayers are not heard because of our positive attitude. Still, God hears our prayer and we can move mountains of unbelief only when we are able to pray for fruitfulness, willing to let go off all grudges and selfish motives, and directed to the overall good. “When you stand in prayer, forgive whatever you have against anybody, so that your Father in Heaven may forgive your failings too.” (Mk. 11:25)

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