It is 4th June 2015. The readings are from Tob. 6:10-11; 7:1,9-17; 8:4-9a and the Gospel from Mk.12:28b-34. The first reading describes the presence of evil and to face the same evil with the help of God. There is no evil or Satan above God. As Tobias had the courage to face evil spirit with the power of God, we will all have to face it. We need to pray for the protection against evil. Every evil, satanic spirit and spell is under the power of God. So we do not need to worry and fear about the evil. We need to encounter the evil spirits with the protection from God. The responsorial Psalm sings, “O blessed are those who fear the Lord.” (Ps127:1). The Gospel reminds us to show our deep love of God by loving others. Touch of Jesus on the existing law was the love of the neighbour. God’s laws are not a heavy burden. They can be simplified into two: loving God and loving others. The intention of the law is based on love. Our love must not only be vertical but it has to be horizontal. According to Jesus all laws can be summarised into two laws. “To love God with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” (Mk.12:33). We all have a long way to go in fulfilling the intent of the law. Some of us are good in expressing love to God alone and are satisfied. Some others are experts only loving our neighbours and are contented. We need to integrate love of God and love of others in such a way that become our worship and religion. May the Lord grant us the grace to love God and others. May you have a love-filled day.

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