It is 18th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.11:1-11 and the Gospel from Mt. 6:7-15. The first reading brings out the struggle of St. Paul against the false preachers. False teachers and their teachings always take us away from Christ. St. Paul wants our love for Christ must be pure and exclusively for Christ himself. Corinthians’ love for Christ was threatened by the false teachers. The Eve was deceived by a serpent and hardened her hearing towards the Lord. Who is the serpent we are listening frequently? We could also lose our focus in Christ when we begin listening to so called preachers with authority and noise. Many of us are going astray so fast, jumping from one church to the other because we want the messages the way we wish to hear it. Word of God must disturb our consciences and intercept our motives for Christ. When the preaching begins to please our fluctuating consciences and does not have a lasting impact on our personal secret lives, then it is from the false teachers. Beware of them. They distort the message of Christ for their own benefits. The responsorial Psalm praises God, “Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth.” (Ps.110:7). The Gospel presents a model of all prayers: the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus invites us to communicate with the Creator God, the Father and encourages us to limit ourselves to praise and petitions. All our praise to God must lead us to intercede and must be persistent. The intercessions are not to direct God but to be directed by the Spirit of God. Our prayers for our daily bread and the forgiveness needs to be in the spirit of humility and openness to God. We all have the need to stand before God in prayer daily but sadly we forget to report God due to our own reasons. Let us learn to be sincere to Christ through our prayers. May you have a good day.

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