It is 22nd June 2015. The readings are from Gen.12:1-9 and the Gospel from Mt. 7:1-5. We too remember Saints Paulinus of Nola, John Fisher and Thomas More. The first reading is the call of Abram and the promises of God. Abram was called at the age of 75. It is the period of settlement in every sphere of one’s life. Yet God wanted Abram to uproot him and plant him where he would never imagined to go. God moved him out of Godless and self-centred city of Ur to a fertile land Canaan where God wanted to build a nation which would be God-centred through Abram. Abram made God as the centre of his life until he reached the Promised Land. Our regular worship and adherence to the Word of God motivates us to obey God. Whenever we obey God and God blesses us with many blessings. Are we prepared to leave our country, family, house, and the land we come from if and when God calls us? No matter how young or old we can be, still God needs us for God’s purpose. The responsorial Psalm sings, “Happy the people the Lord has chosen as his own.”(Ps.32:12). The Gospel instils a deeper understanding on all our perceptions on viewing the other in judgement. Jesus wants us to judge ourselves first before we would like to view the other. The measure and meter we use on ourselves in judging ourselves must be the same to be used with the same love we employ on ourselves to the other. Let us be just and gentle in passing judgements. With all our prudent judgements we must remember that the final judge is God. “Take the plank out of your own eye first, then you will see clearly enough.” (Mt.7:5). May the Lord help us to open ourselves to God’s call and to love one another without being selfishly harsh. May God bless you and have a good day.

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