It is 01st July 2015. The readings are from Gen. 21:5, 8-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:28-34. The first reading reports that Abraham is rejoicing at the birth of his son Isaac. Jealousy and hatred toward Ishmael is growing in Sarah and so she persuades her husband Abraham to send the boy and the child away. Abraham is saddened by this but he does as she wishes. At the end of the reading we see that Ishmael too will be a great nation because he was the son of Abraham. God has a great plan for each one of us no matter who hates us. God’s graciousness, greatness and magnanimity will provide us a way out in times of hatred and jealousy. The responsorial Psalm prays, “This poor man called; the Lord heard him.” (Ps.33:7) In the Gospel, Jesus heals two demoniacs and casts out their demons who enter a herd of swine and are destroyed. Because of their little faith, the people wanted Jesus to leave the community and not willing to let Jesus to change their comfortable life. Radical change comes by Faith in Jesus Christ. When we are used to comfortable and consumeristic attitudes, we begin to tolerate the evil. We think that we are safe as long as the evil does not come into our yard. People value pigs than the wellbeing of human person. May be we too are too comfortable with things than the image of God who is with us. Faith is required so urgently in our lives to deal with inhuman and consumeristic tendencies. May the Lord bless you to care for the others. May you have a good day.

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