It is 19th January 2016. The readings are from 1Samuel 16:1-13; and the Gospel from
Mark 2:23-28. The first reading narrates the search for a new king and the anointing for a future king David. When God rejects someone as a leader, even if people are favouring, he or she will not succeed anyway. God wants to teach us a strong lesson that no one is indispensable. To be a leader one has to have humility, purity of heart and never to make conclusive judgements based only on what is observed externally. Saul is replaced with David. God does not reject someone by the human standards rather by the moral and spiritual criterions. The responsorial Psalm praises God, “I have found David, my servant.” (Ps.88:21). The Gospel points out the significance of the day of Sabbath. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” (Mk. 2:28). The Sabbath has a new meaning because of the Risen Lord. It is the day of the Lord and for the Lord. It is also the day of freedom, unity and togetherness. Jesus taught us to be together to love God and one another. It is not a day of idleness and festivities. The day reminds us to be close to God and to one another. May God bless you.

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