It is 25th January 2016. We celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, the Apostle. The readings are from Acts 22:3-16; and the Gospel from Mark 16:15-18. The first reading describes the conversion of St. Paul himself. His encounter with the risen Lord is dramatic and life changing. His expressions and teachings on the crucified Christ are so deep and personal. He bore a compelling witness to the risen Christ. “I live by faith in the Son of God, who has loved me and given himself up for me.” (Gal.2:20). A persecutor turns into promoter of Jesus. A soldier becomes the teacher and preacher for Christ. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” (Mk.16:15). The Gospel too invites us to be an ambassador for Christ. Proclaiming the Word of God is not just a duty alone but it is a preferential privilege to all of us who are baptized. In order to meet the bruised and broken Christ on the street, we need to meet Jesus in person and in His Words. A personal encounter and experience is the most significant element for witnessing for Christ. However sinful we could be, we need to turn around towards Jesus. Conversion of heart is unavoidable when we have met the Lord. Our personal conversion of heart must propel us to reach the rest of world. Unless we change first, we cannot have any impact on others. May God help us to change. Have a good day.

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