It is 3rd February 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Blaise, the Bishop and the Martyr. The readings are from 2 Samuel 24:2, 9-17; and the Gospel from Mark 6:1-6. The first reading describes how David angered God by taking a census of the people. David much relied on human means, resources and skills than on the reliance and providence of God. His refusal or lack of trust in God is the sin for which he was seriously punished. God provided him with options of penance. Either face famine of three years, or war for three months or epidemic diseases for three days. David found this as a hard choice and was willing to surrender to the Lord. “This is a hard choice. But let us rather fall into the power of the Lord, since His mercy is great, and not into the power of men.” (2 Sam.24:14). It is better to put our entire trust in the Lord and His unfathomable mercy than to rely on human strength. The responsorial Psalm pleads for God’s mercy, “Forgive, Lord, the guilt of my sin.” (Ps.31:5). The Gospel clarifies the mindset of people in accepting the Messiah. Jesus came from an ordinary family. But people expected Jesus to come from an extraordinary place and family milieu. Familiarity of Jesus made them not to trust in Him and in His mercy. People lacked the trust needed to believe Jesus. We must not hesitate to have the sacred spot for God in our lives. Let us not familiarize God to the point we cannot rely on God’s presence in our lives. Our preconceptions about God must not deny our faith in our lives. Avoid the temptation of getting used to God and be patient with God’s mercy. May God bless you. Have a peaceful day.

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