It is 04th February 2016. The readings are from 1 Kings 2:1-4, 10-12; and the Gospel from Mark 6:7-13. In the first reading, we listen to the end of David’s life and the succession of Solomon to the throne of David. David as a father failed to provide the education the children needed; he spent all his time fighting his enemies. A father who deprived the family, loses the loving relationship and respect at the end. The children were given too much freedom and therefore they were growing up pampered and self-willed. Indeed, David was a bitter man when he died seeing his sons rose against him. He felt so insecure and sad about the conditions of the children especially the sons. At the request of Bathsheba and Nathan, David appointed Solomon as the king of Israel. At the time, King David offered a parting advice to Solomon. He urged Solomon to be faithful to the law of the Lord and keep it as the kingly duty. The responsorial Psalm exalts the Lord, “You, Lord, are the ruler of all.” (1Chron.29:12). Jesus sends his apostles as an ambassador of God’s mercy. The mission of the apostles is to share and strengthen people to experience the mercy of God. They cannot act on their own; they need to forget their likings and preferences in sharing the message of mercy. They need to become an instruments of mercy, peace and joy of Christ. Their personal life style and outlook in bringing the gospel of mercy all people is the matter of importance. Never to hold grudge against anyone even if they refuse to listen and reject the message. The faithfulness to message of mercy and to solely rely on the one who has commissioned them to go. In today’s world, we are that ambassadors of mercy. Let us begin the journey of mercy seriously and meet Christ in everyone we meet.

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