It is 18th February 2016. We celebrate the memorial of The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. The readings are from Esther 14:1, 3-5, 12-14 and the Gospel from Matthew 7:7-12. The first reading is the extract from the prayer of Queen Esther. She prayed during the time of distress, peril, and need. God granted her courage and wisdom through her prayer. Our prayers do not stack holiness to God but rather it adds holiness, courage to face the inevitable and to accept the will of God in our lives. God is very much aware of what we are about to ask yet God waits patiently to listen to our side. Prayer is nothing but recognising and acknowledging God’s mighty presence in our lives no matter what the position we hold in the society. Esther being a queen recognised God’s power and intervention in her lives. She believed God is stronger than her. Unless we kneel before God, we cannot deal with what we face. The responsorial Psalm invokes the Lord, “On the day I called, you answered me, O Lord.” (Ps.137:3). The Gospel teaches us the power of prayer in the words of Jesus. Love of God is the basis for our prayer. God is so keen in listening to all our prayers and promptly answering them in God’s time. Prayer can influence God, but never interfere with the will of God. Prayer offers us what we ask and all that what God wants for us to have such as understanding, wisdom, love, patience, and knowledge. Even if we ask poisonous and harmful things in prayer, God knows and provides us with things that nourish our lives. Every prayer coupled with the works of mercy never been rejected in the presence of God. Let there be no doubt, weariness and persistence in our asking. “For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened.” (Mt.7:8). May you have good day.

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