It is 22nd February 2016. We celebrate the feast of the Chair of St. Peter. This feast commemorates that St. Peter was given the mission to lead the Church by the Lord. This feast celebrates the supremacy of Peter, the apostolic succession, and the unity of the Church. It also reminds us about the Teaching office of the Pope and the declaration of truths solemnly proclaimed and to all works of the Magisterium. The readings are from 1Peter 5:1-4; and the Gospel from Matthew 16:13-19. In the first reading St. Peter instructs the leaders to have willingness, selflessness and sincerity in teaching and guiding God’s people. We may think that St. Peter is not the qualified leader due to his betrayal. It is God’s mercy that makes us to be open to the will of God during the time of human weakness when we lead others. In the entrance antiphon the Lord says to Simon Peter: “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail, and once you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Lk.22:32). Let us lead by examples. As God trust us to lead others, we need to take time to learn and listen, never to boss and to humiliate others. Serving God is not an administrative business alone rather it is a vocation. It is a personal call to be converted in every given moment. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” (Ps.23:1). The Gospel brings out the public confession of St. Peter declaring the divinity of Jesus as the Christ. It is this confession of unquestionable faith as the rock, Jesus willingly built His church. Jesus himself is the corner stone of this foundation. (1 Pet.2:4-6). The keys symbolizes the discipline, the legislation, the administration, the proclamation of mercy and forgiveness and leading God’s people to God’s kingdom through the preaching and teaching of the Church. May God help you to pray for your leaders in a special way.

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