It is 27th February 2016. The readings are from Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; and the Gospel from Luke 15:1-3, 11-32. The first reading praises the unchanging faithfulness and mercy of God which provides newness in every one of us. There is no one can be compared with our merciful God. God removes our guilt and shame, pardons our crimes and forgets our sins. God is delighted to show mercy untiringly. In turn, God expects us to be just, merciful, and humble. “Once more have pity on us, tread down our faults, to the bottom of the sea and throw all our sins.” (Mic.7:19). The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is compassion and love.” (Ps.102:8). The Gospel presents the parable of the Prodigal Son. Mercy of God is immeasurable. God’s loving acceptance of every fallen person is mercy. God is so magnanimous in dealing with our sins and failures. When God wants to offer forgiveness and mercy, who can stand against God? There is a prodigal son or a daughter in each one of us who wishes to return to the Lord. God is eagerly waiting for our return to God’s home. There is an ample place in the heart of God. Our willingness to acknowledge our sinfulness is the matter of urgency in returning to God. No matter how far from God we might be, still there is mercy and forgiveness available to us. God’s great love and mercy is still searching for us no matter why or how we got lost. Not everyone is happy about our conversion. We all have an elder brother or sister who complains to God because of their self-righteousness. Let us also show compassion to those who are sinners by our encouraging words and support of prayers. May God bless you to experience the loving mercy of God.

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