It is 04th March 2016. The readings are from Hosea 14:2-10; and the Gospel from Mark 12:28-34. A strong reminder and a warning from the first reading is that our downfall came due to our personal sins and therefore we need to return to the Lord as early as possible. Returning means pleading for forgiveness from the Lord. It is time to confess our sins using the Sacrament of Mercy. God restores us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We need to repeat the prayer of prophet Hosea: “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips.” (Hos.14:2) It is our turn to prioritize God in all we do. We will never ever stumble again in our lives as long as we keep our God in front. God promises us through Hosea that God loves us more than we can ever imagine. “I am like a cypress ever green, all your fruitfulness comes from me.” (Hos.14:8). Our fertility and growth comes from the Lord. In order to enjoy this glory, we need to recognise the destructions caused by sins in our lives. God’s compassion never fails. The responsorial Psalm invites us: “I am the Lord your God; listen to my warning.” (Ps.80:11). In the Gospel, Jesus emphasizes the need to love our neighbours while loving God. Jesus simplifies the innumerable laws into two. Loving God and loving neighbour. (Deut.6:5). The intention of the law is to love. Love is a human expression to offer our true selves. Moreover love is complete only through God. Love sparks from God because God is love. Having experienced this great love of God and translating it in human terms to all those who around us is that makes us to fulfil the purpose of being human. We need to shorten the distance between being human and human becoming. May you have a good day.

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