It is 6th March 2016. It is the 4th Sunday of the Lent. Laetare Sunday. Laetare, means ‘joy’ in Latin. It is a time for us to find and anticipate the joy that is to come as we celebrate Easter. The readings are from Joshua 5:9-12; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; and the Gospel from Luke 15:1-3, 11-32. The first reading describes the first joyous Passover in the Promised Land. People celebrated it 39 years back in fear and haste at the foot of the Mount Sinai but now in gratefulness and joy. God wanted God’s people to use God given talents by stopping manna. A new life with God begins for people from now. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” (Ps.34:9). The second reading emphasizes that God is interested in reconciling with us through Christ. We become brand new in Christ Jesus. We become new creation in Jesus and through Christ there gushes a new life in us. It is our turn to bring others to Christ because we are the ambassadors of Christ in our communities. God’s mercy to us is so immeasurable and we need to be grateful to God unwaveringly. The Gospel presents us with the most powerful story of prodigal son. The Catechism teaches us in No.1439 that there is a process of conversion which includes to recognize the unconditional acceptance of the merciful Father; willingness and courage to view the spiritual wretchedness; and to return to God and the family the Church. No matter how much mess we have been creating, still God wants us to be part of God’s family. God is so merciful and loving. Even though we deserve our punishment for our sinfulness, yet God shows God’s tenderness and mercy repeatedly. It is time to return to the Father’s House. It is time to begin a new life with God and God’s beloved Son Jesus. God’s heart and house are wide open for us those who lost in sins. We need to admit our sinfulness and unworthiness to God through God’s Church. God is looking forward to see us in God’s loving home. We need to make the first move to the Father who is willing to offer us all the choicest blessings, graces along with forgiveness. May abundant mercy God envelop our sinful attitudes and make us merciful in every moment of our lives. May you have a good day.

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