It is 11th March 2016. The readings are from Wisdom 2:1, 12-22; and the Gospel from John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30. The first reading points out the godless are those who feel threatened by the Law of God when pointed out their mistakes. They believe that the life is short and must be enjoyed. They too want to eliminate the weak and the just, and to put the good people to the test even to the extent of destroying their lives. The godless people replace God’s laws with their human making and so when they are corrected basing on the Law of God, eventually they do not like those who correct them. The author of the book of Wisdom rejects such people’s plan and actions; expressing his own faith in the plan of God. He reassures those who are humbled and tortured by the godless people saying: “They do not know the hidden things of God, they have no hope that holiness will be rewarded, they can see no reward for blameless souls.” (Wis.2:22). No matter who objects us, we need to be blameless and holy in the eyes of the world and of God. It is our moral responsibility to say things when God’s plans are violated by someone. Keeping quiet for the sake of fake peace, we may become the partakers and passive supporters of the godless. Truth and God’s laws can be struck and hidden by some evil forces for some time but never can be buried. They emerge anyhow in the heart of good, holy and blameless people. God wants us to be holy and God will reward us for being blameless and holy. The responsorial Psalm encourages us: “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.” (Ps.33:19). The Gospel brings out Jesus the blameless and holy one of God. The people wanted to get rid of Jesus due to their conceptual misunderstandings and the stubbornness of heart in accepting Jesus as the One who came from the Father. Yet Jesus wanted them to know that He is from God not from a particular group or a place. Jesus had to perform His good works quietly even though He knew His life was under threat. Just like the Lord, we must make use of every opportunity for being merciful and compassionate to all at the time of adversities. May you have a good day.

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