It is 21st March 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 42:1-7; and the Gospel from John 12:1-11. The first reading introduces us the Suffering Servant. He is chosen by God to suffer for God’s people, and the bearer of the justice, His words bring peace to all who hear Him. This servant cures the blindness of the people and liberates them from their captives. God will not crush us when we are broken by the wild winds of life, and the violent waves of our livelihood. The sensitivity of God is so gentle, God does not step on our feet and break our already bended lives. God placing God’s only Son for the welfare and salvation of the humanity. Jesus is our Messiah, who accepts the servanthood to redeem us. Here, God invites us openly during this Holy Week to respond to the love of Jesus on the Cross. “I have grasped you by the hand; I formed you, and set you as a covenant of the people, a light for the nations.” (Is.42:6). The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” (Ps.27:1). The Gospel brings out our responsibility to express our love for Jesus. Mary Magdalene used a very expensive oil to anoint Jesus. The ointment worth of a year’s salary. Judas had a difficulty in accepting this gesture of love. He being a pretender and liar did not understand this specific occasion which anticipated Jesus’ burial. Judas tried to hide his sinfulness of stealing and cheating under his fake expression of love towards the poor. We cannot change the destiny of Jesus. During this Holy Week, let our love for the poor be expressed through our sacrifices as we express our desire to love the Lord. What have we done to the poor around us and Jesus in us? Let us make a difference in loving the Lord Jesus without forgetting the poor. May God bless you.

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