It is 23rd March 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 50:4-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 26:14-25. The first reading intensifies the suffering and persecution of the Messiah due the power of sin. A total surrender and trust in God by the suffering Servant in times of imminent persecution and immeasurable suffering. We need to put our trust in God who untiringly visits us and protects us daily. “Morning by morning he wakes me, wakes my ear to listen as those who are taught.” (Is.50:4). The responsorial Psalm prays, “Lord, in your great love, answer me.” (Ps.69:14). The Gospel portrays the compassionate face and attitude of Jesus. Judas sold Jesus for 30 silver coins, the price of a slave (Ex.21:32). Even though Jesus knew Judas would betray Him, He did not exclude him in the Last Supper. Jesus never forces us to repent but invites us and caringly confronts us to point out where we stand. Whenever we expect somethings with the selfishness, and greediness for money and status, we truly betray Jesus. Jesus came to establish a spiritual bonding and connection with God yet the disciples expected Him to be a political revolutionary. Judas betrayed Jesus in exchange for money. “What are you willing to give me if I hand Jesus over to you?” (Mt.26:15). In exchange of Jesus, what are we compromising? Money and status are never been enough for any human soul. We cannot pretend to be good for a long time. God knows our inmost hearts. We can never cheat God. There is a tendency in us to acquire money and status even at the cost of betraying the Lord and those who are entrusted to us. May we learn to trust the Lord one more time.

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