It is 28th March 2016. The readings are from Acts 2:14, 22-33; Psalm 15; Matthew 28:8-15. The first reading testifies the account of Resurrection by St. Peter in the form of a powerful and a heart-piercing sermon. A coward, weak, unstable now has become the most vibrant, courageous, bold, confident ambassador for the Risen Lord. No matter what the sin you have committed in the past, no matter, how low you have fallen from grace, Jesus can still use you for His kingdom of love and mercy. We just need to experience the risen Lord. Jesus lives today in us through our merciful relooking at people and situation. In his preaching, St. Peter quoted from Psalm 16:8-11. He affirmed that the body of Jesus was never left to decay and he was resurrected. Fear in the apostles vanishes because of their deep and personal encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus. One to one meeting with Jesus forgives our sins and grants the courage to speak and stand for truth and mercy. “God raised this Jesus to life, and all of us are witnesses to that.” (Acts. 2:32). Our life must transform after meeting the Risen Lord. It is a personal transformation of bringing out love and mercy in our proclamation and witnessing. Having encountered the eternal Truth, Jesus, the Risen Lord, we cannot keep quiet. Our bodies and soul need to respond to such encounter with the Truth. Have you met the Risen Lord in your life? The responsorial Psalm praises, “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.” That is the song, the prayer and praise of the Church throughout the Easter season. The Gospel presents one of the rumours which was found at the time of the resurrection. Rumours are baseless yet harmful if they are believed. Rumours are poisonous because it has the purpose to distort and delay the arrival of truth. Let us be an ambassador of the Truth not a carrier of rumours. May the risen Lord continue to bless you.

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