It is 29th March 2016. The readings are from Acts 2:36-41; and the Gospel from John 20:11-18. The first reading continues to highlight the drastic change in the apostles and those who listened to St. Peter, who reminded them what they have done to Jesus through their personal sins. A feeling of something is not alright is indeed the spiritual renewal brought by the Holy Spirit. It is the personal testimony of St. Peter moved the hearts of people and eventually many accepted the Risen Lord as their Saviour. “What must we do, brothers? You must repent and every one of you must be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts. 2:37,38). The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord fills the earth with His love.” (Ps.32:5). The Gospel of John brings out another important event at the sepulchre between the Risen Lord and Mary of Magdala. When Mary saw the empty tomb, she was filled with the emotions. The tears of Mary Magdalen was looking for Jesus. The Risen Lord calls by name now. Do we hear Him? We need to recognise our Master to whom our whole being belongs. Unless we have faith in the Risen Lord, we cannot call Him as our Master and Saviour. It is not enough to be sorry for our sins. We need to live like people who are forgiven by the Risen Lord. Once we have met the Risen Lord through our personal repentance and Baptism, we need to seek out the others through prayer, teaching and sharing spiritual moment with them.

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