It is 03rd April 2016. We celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter as the Divine Mercy Sunday. The readings are from Acts 5:12-16; Revelations 1:9-13, 17-19; and the Gospel from John 20:19-31. The Divine Mercy message is that God loves us all and wants us to be reminded that God’s mercy is greater than our sins. Mercy consists of love, understanding and forgiveness is the basis for our strong bonding with the Risen Lord Jesus in faith. A fruitful and meaningful spiritual life cannot unfold in us without the actions based on charity, patience and perseverance built on faith and mercy founded on forgiveness. The first reading continues to share the impact of the ministry of the apostles through their fearless preaching and curing of the sick. The Catechism teaches us in No. 1814: “Living faith works through charity.” Invoking the powerful name of the Risen Lord Jesus through our merciful acts brings all the blessings we desire. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love is everlasting.” (Ps.118:1). The second reading assures us that Jesus lives among us. “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, the one who lives. Once I was dead but now I am alive forever and ever.” (Rev. 1:17) Our sins cannot hold us in the prison of death and darkness while Jesus is with us. Mercy and forgiveness we are guaranteed in Jesus is unimaginably greater than our miserable brokenness due to sinful life. The Gospel brings out the person of St. Thomas, the apostle who represents us in our faith commitment to Christ. We all have the moments of doubts, and glorious declaration through our surrender to Jesus saying: “My Lord and my God.” (Jn.20:28). We are not privileged to see Jesus whenever we want. Yet we can experience the Risen Lord by genuine faith and charity. May the Peace of Christ be with all of us who are experiencing a special favour during this day of Mercy. Have a good day.

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