It is 9th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 6:1-7; and the Gospel from John 6:16-21. The first reading addresses the tension between the Hebrews and Hellenists Christians; the young church faced the early dispute and what we read today is how the church handled it amicably. As the growth of the church was indeed tremendous so the challenges and the difficulties grew along with it. They complained about the sharing of goods among the poor and widows from the two groups. The Hellenists felt that their poor were neglected while the Hebrews favoured their marginalised. The apostle received the complaint and addressed them telling that the primary work of the apostles is the evangelisation not the social work and to hand the needs of the poor and the vulnerable people, the apostles proposed the institution of Diaconate. The ministry of the Word takes the precedence over the administrative works. The church grows like the ripples in the water. We just need to take the initiatives to touch the other person in a small way which creates the ripple of touching the other and eventually spreads to the entire world. “The whole assembly approved of this proposal and elected the seven deacons.” (Acts.6:5,6). The responsorial Psalm prays, “May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you.” (Ps.32:22). The Gospel invites us to meet the Lord even when we are weary and wavering. The apostles were tired and exhausted after the multiplications of bread and fish. They encountered the Lord Jesus and mistook him as a ghost. Jesus reassures them and offers them hope telling: “It is I. Do not be afraid.” (John.6:20). When we least expect, God comes to our aid. Jesus helps us to overcome our fears, uncertainties and dark moments of our lives. We just need to have faith in Him to listen and learn from Him. May the Risen Lord help us to be spread the Gospel of peace, love and mercy.

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